Kola Peninsula.

Kola Peninsula.

Fishing on the Kola Peninsula.

The Kola Peninsula is one of the best places on the planet for catching Atlantic salmon.

The Kola Peninsula is one of the best places on the planet for catching Atlantic salmon.
The Kola Peninsula is a wild nature, beautiful river, high level of service and great fishing.

Fishing on the Kola Peninsula 2

The Kola Peninsula is on two natural areas:
— The northern part (the river of the Barents Sea).
— South zone «Terek shore», which give the river its water White Sea.
Therefore, the Russian Kola Peninsula rivers are divided into «North Shore» and «Terek shore.»

Northern Rivers Kola Peninsula is usually cold and fast, a lot of rapids and waterfalls. They have high banks, often gorge cliffs. Beach complex for walking. The climate is cold, June is considered to be in the spring and in August it is already autumn.

Fishing on the Kola Peninsula 4

In some places in North Beach you can see the monument to the dead of the polar expedition that many years ago went to the North Pole.

In the northern river salmon comes in the summer, usually in late June (big fish), in mid-July comes to a lot of small fish — «grils» (salmon weight 3-6 pounds). In the fall of fresh fish almost never comes.

Since the rivers are very cold water, most often in them we can fish for trout and Arctic char. Grayling lives not in all the rivers of the northern shore of the Kola Peninsula. His many in the south of the Kola Peninsula and west of Murmansk, where the climate is warmer.

River north of the Kola Peninsula is famous for its outstanding size salmon. This river XXL.

Fishing on the Kola Peninsula. 20,6 kg!!!
Fishing on the Kola Peninsula. 20,6 kg!!!

The bigst fish caught in rivers: Yokanga, Kola, Kharlovka and East Litza.

If you want to see the northern Kola Peninsula river, you have to be prepared to walk a lot, and have cast a lot of contact with 1-2 fish a day.
However, it can be very large fish. On the river a good week in the high season, the fish in the 15 pounds would be considered small, and about her dinner would be ashamed to tell your friends!


You will shake his hand only for fish weighing more than 20 pounds. In a good week on the right river you can get 8-10 fishes. 15 fish per week for a fishing rod is a very good result, and 25 fish outstanding result. It’s fantastic, 25 fish weighing 15+
However, from time to time to catch even more fish on a huge 30-40 rod for a week.

Big salmon caught in rivers Rynda, Varzina, Belousiha. It is unlikely that we will find here fish weighing 40 pounds, but fish in the 20 pounds or even 30 pounds can make you excited and even a little run on the bank.

We offer you three fishing lodge on the river Yokanga,  Kola, Litza, Kharlovka, Rynda on the river, as well as a good location on the river Belousiha.


We chose seven lodges. This is enough for happiness.

The rivers of the southern coast.

You know, where is the border between the southern and northern coast? Where is that point? Perhaps you will be surprised, but this place is close to the River Yokanga, a peninsula «Kanin’s nose.» Here the water is found in the Barents Sea and the White Sea. There are very strong sea currents. In the old days, when people traveled here on a sailing boat, she carried their boat along the shore Canin nose. This is a very dangerous place. They used to say that the sea here is living sea monster that attacks the ships travel.

It was a long time ago, probably in the time of Francis Drake. But the nature of the Kola Peninsula has changed little in that time.

Southern coast of the Kola Peninsula is the most abundant river. Here we will not be able to catch salmon on thirty pounds, but here we will be able to catch hundreds of fish on one rod per week. This is an excellent, strong fish weight 6-14 pounds.

Fish southern coast is not great, but a lot of it.

Fishing on the Kola Peninsula.
Fishing on the Kola Peninsula. 20,6 kg!!!

For example, in the river Belousiha North Shore for the season 1000 comes to salmon. The river comes Varzina 1500-2000 salmon. The river Kharlovka and Litza 4000-5000 can go fish in the famous Yokanga 7000-10 000 salmon.

However, the famous river Ponoi, which is considered a «southern river» for the season can come 50,000 salmon. That is, for example, on Friday, June 20 after lunch in the river Ponoi can go right as salmon, as in Belousiha or Varzina or for the whole year! 🙂

Of course not all the southern shore of the river comes from the sea so many fish in Ponoy.
We offer you the same good river as the river Strelna River Chavanga, Pana River.
Terek River Beach this autumn fish. Probably 80% of the salmon come into the rivers in the fall. So there are two high seasons: spring and autumn.

In these rivers, many trout and grayling.

We can offer 16 camps on the Kola Peninsula to catch Atlantic Salmon and several camps for catching trout and grayling.

We offer only the best river & best lodges.